Christmas around the world

What could be friendlier than meeting up with your whole family seated around a magnificent table on Christmas Eve?

For most of us, this happens once a year but if you look closely at the menu, there are no big changes from year to year… Turkey with chestnuts, Brussels sprouts, Buche de Noel are as traditional as the obligatory inconveniences on the subjects of politics or football! In several countries, Christmas meals are very different and bring a certain exoticism to the holiday season. We have prepared a world tour of traditions for you!


We already know that in the United Kingdom, Christmas is not Christmas without a big turkey, roasted potatoes, “Christmas Pudding” and the essential “mid-afternoon” speech by Queen Elizabeth II on December 25th.


Well for starters, at Christmas, Australians bask in the sun because down there, it's summer: BBQ and cold beer are on the menu. For Christmas meals it is often customary to prepare a Pic Nic and share it with family and friends on the beach!


For Christmas Day, the main meal called "Yule", it is customary to share a leg of lamb. There is also another specialty called "leaf bread" which is nothing, but a loaf made from very thin pasta sheets.


In Canada, Christmas begins with activities where all family, neighbours and friends can participate. The “cooking - baking parties” are intended to involve everyone and finally to share the fruits of the labour!

United States

Many traditions in the United States have been adopted from British and European customs. If you find lingonberry sauce (a sauce that looks a bit like jam and is made with small red berries), turkey, corn, squash and green beans on your Christmas table, you have chances to be in America! Christmas beef or ham are thus often served in place of the turkey which is normally eaten during the Thanksgiving holidays. Desserts, on the other hand, reflect the ethnic traditions to which each individual belongs, this is how we can find pumpkin pie, pantone, apple or carrot cake etc ...


Although most Chinese are not Christians, a good number of them celebrate the holiday season. By exchanging gifts and decorating their interior. We treat ourselves to apples wrapped in brightly coloured paper. They are sold already packaged in almost all stores in China and are given as gifts on Christmas Eve. The reason for this tradition is that the translation of "Christmas Eve" is "Ping An Ye" which is phonetically very close to the word apple: "Ping Guo", so the 2 words have merged!


In Mexico, Christmas is not officially celebrated until January 6, Epiphany Day or: “El Dia de los Reyes” or “Kings Day”. During this day, the Galette des Rois is eaten, hiding inside a small porcelain figurine of the infant Jesus. The lucky person who discovers the figurine in their cake then becomes Jesus' “godfather” for the year to come.


In Spanish, Christmas Eve is called “la Noche Buena” and is famous with a huge family banquet that is enjoyed very late in the evening after the traditional midnight mass. However, there is no exchange of gifts that evening, it will be necessary to wait until January 6, the day of Epiphany.


Panetone is at the heart of Italy's Christmas celebrations. Bursting with candied fruit, golden raisins and many other wonders, this delicious, sweet bread is normally 10-12cm in diameter and weighs around 1kg. It is an opportunity to share for the whole family at every moment of the day during the Christmas celebrations.


Lamb or pork is often served at Christmas dinner. This is followed by a delicate dessert made with filo pastes: the Baklava where sugar, honey, crushed nuts are combined. Baklava is a staple of Greek tables.

Now that you have an idea of what will boil in your pot, it will be time to think about the decoration of your table: White Christmas, candles and simple Scandinavian decoration? ù

It's time to unleash your inspiration this year!