Spring Clean – Detox your home

Last year, most of us have spent the best part of it in the house, and whilst there’s been plenty of time for de-cluttering and rearranging, a fresh start has never been more needed. The spaces we live in have also a big impact on how mental health and it’s important to have a safe and calm environment to relax in. Here are some of the ways we’ll be approaching a Spring Clean in forging a deeper connection with our homes.

1 / Furnitures

We have a tendency to like large, bulky, long lasting furniture, particularly dining tables and chairs, sideboards and sofas. If we can afford the space, then this isn’t a problem but most of us don’t. Consider smaller, streamlined furniture, chairs which fit underneath a table, desks which fold out and sliding doors. Also, furniture with storage incorporated such as ottoman coffee tables.

2 / Rearrange furnitures

Sick of cleaning? Rearrange your furniture. Not only will it feel like you've just moved, it will also help you clear away clutter and dirt as part of the process. If you are choosing new furniture, go for understated and classic furniture that will pass the test of time. The pieces that will not get bored of after a year or 2. We have some very simple rules to follow:

  • Have a focal point
  • Create natural conversation areas
  • Be aware of the traffic flow
  • Use rugs for different spaces
  • Don’t forget the coffee table
  • Use the natural lighting of the area
  • Don’t forget art

3 / Add greenery

An assortment of plants should do the trick. Rather than scattering single plants around, create group displays in each room for maximum air-cleaning effect. Best antitoxin plants to consider, are: spider plants, philodendrons and rubber plants.

4 / Outdoor furniture

With warmer weather on the horizon, it's time to get your outdoor furniture ready for lounging. To do this, add a squirt of dish detergent to a bowl of warm water, then wipe down tables and chairs. Spray them down with water and then let air dry.

5 / Make your home smell amazing

First of all, let in some fresh air. Finally, take a leaf out of estate agents’ books and put a cup of vanilla extract in the oven and heat for an hour, to make your home smell like a bakery. Fresh potted herbs in the kitchen (mint, rosemary and basil) are also a great option and also very homely to look at.

6 / Take care of your wooden floors

Même si vous pensez que vous devriez nettoyer vos planchers de manière régulière, cette corvée pourrait en fait les ruiner. Au lieu de cela, vous ne devriez les nettoyer à l'eau qu'une fois tous les deux mois avec un spray nettoyant pour bois. Ensuite, assurez-vous d'utiliser des dessous de plat ou des soucoupes sous les plantes pour éviter les dégâts d’eau.